GATE Exam Preparation CD - Download Here
Installation of gate preparation file:
- Download the file here.(55 Mb)
- Download virtual clone drive here .
- Install virtual clone drive.
- Right click the downloaded file -> open with -> Mount with virtual clone drive.
- Now your drive is mounted in the system. (We do this instead of inserting CD into system)
- Now go to my computer. Open CD ROM Drive and run the file setup.exe
- Now the GATE Prep is installed successfully in your system.
Registration of GATE Prep CD:
- Start the program by start->Programs->Gate prep
- In the registration window enter the registration number - YP1LS69810MU
- Click start button.
- After the registration is done, you will get a confirmation dialog box saying that you have unlocked the GATE CD Successfully.
Using GATE Preparation CD:
- Right click the downloaded file -> open with -> Mount with virtual clone drive.
- Start the GATEPrep application from desktop or from start menu.
Problems encountered:
1. The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.
Reason: This CD does not support with windows 7.
Solution: Install virtual box and install windows XP virtually in which everything works fine.
Click Here to know more about using virtual box.
2. Error for a file called SHDOCVW.DLL (During setup phase)
Solution: Ignore it and continue setup.