Lab Manuals for Sem I
- Determination of the Young‟s modulus for the given uniform bar by
- uniform bending method
- Determination of the wavelength of the diode laser and hence determine the size of the coated powder particle
- Determination of the velocity of Ultrasonic using Ultrasonic interferometer. Also find the compressibility of the given liquid
- Determination of the moment of inertia of the given circular disc and rigidity modulus of the metal wire using torsional pendulum
- Determination of the Young‟s modulus of the given wooden uniform material using non-uniform bending method
- Determination of the angle and dispersive of the given solid prism using
- Determination of the thickness of the given thin material by forming interference fringes using air-wedge setup
- Determination of the wavelength of prominent lines of Hg spectrum
- Determination of the energy gap of the given semiconductor by plotting the graph between current and temperature
- Determination of the co-efficient of viscosity of the given liquid by Poiseuille‟s method. Radius of the capillary tube is 0.035 cm